
Dr. Qian Guoying

Vice President of Zhejiang Wanli University, expert with special allowance from the State Council, national outstanding educator, national March 8th Red Flag Bearer, young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions in Zhejiang Province, young and middle-aged subject leader in Zhejiang Province’s universities, first level of Zhejiang Province’s “ 151 Talent Project” Talent, advanced agricultural science and technology worker in Zhejiang Province, executive director of the China Higher Education Teaching Research Association, member of the Animal Nutrition Professional Committee of the Council of the Chinese Fisheries Society, member of the Biotechnology and Bioengineering Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, member of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, Person in charge of the construction of national specialty majors, person in charge of the construction of the National Entrepreneurship Education Pilot Zone, person in charge of the construction of national quality courses, person in charge of the construction of the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, person in charge of the first-class discipline (Category A ) of "Bioengineering" in Zhejiang Province , and meritorious service in Zhejiang Province Teacher, famous teacher in colleges and universities in Zhejiang Province.